“#Family,” faith, tide Grammy and Dove nominee Ayiesha Woods over until “Full Circle”

New York-born/Bermuda-raised artist Ayiesha Woods first made a national splash when she signed to TobyMac’s Gotee Records, releasing a trio of projects throughout the 2000s that yielded a stream of uplifting singles, along with Grammy and Dove Award nominations.
Since 2010, the singer/songwriter’s been making pop, R&B and all-around inspirational music on her own terms at a spread out pace, while steadily settling into married life and motherhood.
Perhaps it’s only fitting her latest hit is called “#Family” as a precursor to this fall’s “Full Circle” EP, which as Woods tells Chicago Concert Reviews, is a hopeful, faith-loaded statement that knocks at the door of her second musical decade.
Give us the story behind your brand new single “Family.”
Ayiesha Woods: Back in 2017 when Hurricane Irma ripped through the Caribbean and Florida, we sustained some damage at our home and were without power for almost a week. We were on “stay at home” orders of a different sort! It was dangerous to be out and about due to downed power lines and heavy debris.
During that time, affected families and communities were pulling together and holding on dearly to one another, remembering what’s most important in this life. It was then that I was inspired to write “#Family.” My husband and I actually revisited it during this quarantine season and COVID-19 global pandemic. We finished writing a song that was started in 2017 and our eldest son, Joseph II, even contributed!
What’s your vision for the upcoming “Full Circle” project?
Woods: My vision for the upcoming EP “Full Circle” is quite simple. I hope to re-engage my audience and service them with new music after having been away for a few years. I really see this project reinvigorating people’s hope and faith, all while transcending traditional industry expectations we’ve held so closely to for so long.
In what ways has that title applied to your life?
Woods: We’ve decided on “Full Circle” because it was almost 20 years ago that my very first independent project was recorded and released. It’s ironically nostalgic in that it was recorded in Orlando, Florida, as was “Full Circle.” My husband, who at the time was only a friend, was right there co-writing, coaching, co-producing and providing moral support, as with “Full Circle.” We’ve even partnered with the same producer we used then. There’s also that freedom to produce music we believe God has given us for this space in time, [which is] a beautiful freedom that we started out with.
Flashback for us to the days you were discovered and signed to TobyMac’s Gotee Records. How did his mentorship help build upon your musical foundation?
Woods: Toby’s mentorship, along with Joey Elwood [the president of Gotee Records], was and has been such a great inspiration for me. Their example fostered a desire in me to be involved in more than just the musical aspect of the industry. Because of their mentorship, I hope to pay it forward and be in a position to empower other creatives.
Do you have any stories that standout from attending the Grammy or Dove Awards during the years you were nominated?
Woods: One of my fondest memories from attending the Grammys was arriving on the red carpet and being introduced to the late, great Ms. Lena Horne. She looked beautiful, and upon our introduction, she said, “I know who you are!” I was starstruck. There was no way she knew me (laughs), but it felt great to hear her say that.
What about memories from concerts you performed in the Chicago area at any point?
Woods: I remember playing a concert at North Park University in Chicago, well over a decade ago. It was at that concert where the music department opened the show with a glorious worship set and introduced me to what has become one of my favorite worship songs of all time, “Hallelujah,” by Lakewood Live. It was so beautifully arranged and delivered. I remember my eyes welling and my heart being full of adoration for the Father in that moment.
Was it a challenge to walk away from your label and touring days to start a family?
Woods: It wasn’t difficult at all to walk away from the busyness of touring and being on a label. I was beginning a brand new, very different chapter of my life that I was very excited about.
What does being an independent artist allow you to do now that you weren’t able to do in the past?
Woods: Being an independent artist allows me to have a greater sense of creative freedom. I don’t necessarily have to “fit a particular mold,” if you will. If I want to put a country song on my project or a reggae song, there’s the creative freedom to do so.
How has your faith sustained you during all that’s happened in the world thus far throughout this challenging year?
Woods: Quite frankly, I don’t know where I would be if I tried to do life without having a foundation of faith in a God who has proven Himself over and again in my life! He has kept us, ministered to us, loved us and sustained us through it all, and I don’t believe He will ever stop.
For additional information on Ayiesha Woods, visit AyieshaWoods.com.