Loads of humor, heart in Michael J. Fox movie to Paramount musical “The Secret Of My Success”

Towards the end of the 1980s, “The Secret Of My Success” made its motion picture debut starring Michael J. Fox hot on the heels of his era-defining roles in “Back To The Future” and “Family Ties.”
Though each of those enterprises overshadowed that somewhat forgotten comedy, it’s getting another chance thanks to the Paramount Theatre’s Broadway Series and a willingness to roll the dice on a world premiere musical.
“The Secret Of My Success” in its current format retains the basic premise of the film, but is set in present tense, which includes scrubbing the soundtrack of its now dated Night Ranger, Pat Benatar and Bananarama tunes in favor of entirely original contemporary pop flavors.
Much like its Midwest-based lead character Brantley Foster (played by the peppy Billy Harrigan Tighe) who stumbles into a fabricated double life as Carlton Whitfield in a quest to climb the corporate ladder, this show has its sights set firmly on the Big Apple and is well on its way.
That’s because it’s stocked with laughs at every ride up and down the LED elevator from the executive offices where the ambitious college graduate wants to work, to the dead-end basement of temps where he’s actually employed.
Along the way, Brantley (or is it Carlton?) falls in love with the hard-working junior executive Christy Lockhart (the diligent Sydney Morton), who’s juggling life as a single mom and sidestepping a lousy boss with sketchy intentions.
It’s a zany, humorous, heartbreaking and heartwarming attempt to keep a lot of balls in the air, magnified all the more by both personal and corporate ties that take surprising turns when it all comes crashing to the ground.
“The Secret Of My Success” is also shrewdly staged, cheerily choreographed and “dressed to impress” on all levels, allowing the Paramount to keep matching if not surpassing any theatrical offerings Chicago has to offer.
“The Secret Of My Success” continues at the Paramount Theatre through Mar. 29. For additional details, visit ParamountAurora.com/Events/The-Secret-Of-My-Success/.