Mega-movie “Steel Magnolias” turns up the laughs, tears in moving return to its stage roots

A couple years before the Golden Globe and People’s Choice Award-winning movie starring Dolly Parton, Julia Roberts, Sally Field, Shirley MacLaine, Daryl Hannah and Olympia Dukakis, “Steel Magnolias” was moving anyone who crossed its path Off Broadway. Now a little over three decades later, the dramatic comedy is back to the format where it first began thanks to Theatre At The Center’s commitment to reviving beloved but often times less frequently performed plays.
As the title suggests, these six women may have delicate sides, but they’re also as strong as steel, which is an element needed to weather the impending storms, and ultimately, ensure their survival.
With direction from Linda Fortunato, this edition stars Cory Goodrich as M’Lynn, Landree Fleming as Shelby, Heidi Kettenring as Truvy, Joslyn Yvonne Jones as Ouiser, Jeannie Affelder as Clairee and Myesha-Tiara as Annelle. Though few could ever match the fame of the marquee names from the movie, all of the above are quite believable and well-tailored to their multi-layered roles.
On one hand, “Steel Magnolias” has its fair share of humor as it listens in on these ladies talking up everything from romance to religion, children and small town southern life at the beauty salon where their unbreakable bonds of friendship only strengthen with each passing visit. And thanks to the likeable cast, it’s easy to cheer right alongside them all as they all give a play by play of milestone moments and striving to rise above challenges.
However, there’s a much heavier flipside that comes at the hands of a major, sudden and life-threatening set back that makes “Steel Magnolias” just as much of a tear-jerker. It’s during these scenes where the Theatre At The Center’s presentation especially thrives, keeping everyone listening quite intently in between sobs, though thankfully, comic relief always comes right before the emotions get too overwhelming.
As the title suggests, these six women may have delicate sides, but they’re also as strong as steel, which is an element needed to weather the impending storms, and ultimately, ensure their survival. Groups of close gal pals will likely relate and “Steel Magnolias” also gives the guys loads of insight into these inspiring ladies, but both the tender and tough may want to stuff a few extra tissues in their purse or pocket to be safe.
“Steel Magnolias” continues at the Theatre At The Center through Mar. 25. For additional details, visit